Christian music…

Christian music…

The world is divided into two categories as wealthy moneybags and ordinary people. There might be difference in discrimination but this sort of categorization is seen in each and every country. This discrimination is reflected upon food, lifestyle, habits and everything. Music is not an exception from this. I am not telling it, but the University of British Columbia says it based on their research. Whoever listens or likes the musical form called Classical Music? Carnatic and Hindustani musical forms are largely liked by wealthy people with sedentary lifestyle. Classical music has an art form. Only those who had learnt it methodically can play it. That is why it is adored by wealthy people. It is the same for dance, too.

But, behold the music of the so-called lower class alias working class people! It has no art form. It is played easily by anyone. The music is amplified by the musical instruments. The resonance of the leather instruments ignites your blood flowing through your veins. Not only in India, listen to the music of African people, too.

The music of so-called high class inactive people is different from the working class people, all throughout the world. The former’s musical instruments are also different the latter’s.

Each and every art form reflects the lifestyle of respective people. The music of the working class people is untouchable to the wealthy ones. Today, Christianity is also trapped in the same illusion. Where does the mentality come from that God only likes classical music? It is nothing but only the understanding of man that gives importance to classical music of so-called high class people. Every music is beautiful. We need both lovely classical music and vibrant folk music. Classical Carnatic music is equally as wonderful as Sri Lankan baila music and Chennai’s Gaana music.

God wants people to approach him as themselves. He wants to transform their hearts, not their traditions and cultures. Moreover, Bible never mentions that God likes or disgusts certain music. God never said anything in the Bible that he would only accept the music and dance with particular art form, and reject formless music and dance of ordinary people. Then why do Christians pull faces when they watch the dance and listen to the music of common people in dais?

Honestly, Christianity is not just constraining the believers to like the high class music, but also coercing Christ who was born in a cowbarn and befriended poor fishermen. Christ has already gone to the working class people. Why does the Christian music neglect to go?

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