The throne of the Father

The throne of the Father

It is our duty to pray as a church against the unfairness, immorality and evil happening in our country and to react abiding by the law as dutiful citizens. In many countries, churches have recorded their opposition towards abortion of fetus and homosexual marriages. But the events happening around us, should not affect the peace of mind inside us in any way.

Christ Jesus is an exemplary for us in this, too, just like in everything. The worst tyrannical reign in history of the world would be Roman Empire. Though Jews lived as slaves under such tyrannical Roman Empire, in such critical circumstances, even when the ocean was roaring with turbulence, even in that sail, Jesus had a sound sleep. Because he was faithful in God and trusted that everything is held within the powerful hands of his Father. This is the reason behind his tranquility and even-mindedness. Do we have such a faith?

If we are troubled by the events happening in our nation, we have either forgotten the truth or not believing that “the Lord reigns,” (Psalm 93:1). As the whole universe lies inside the majestic hand of his, so do our nation, and the events happening around us, the circumstances, the nature, everything; everything is held by his Almighty hand! It will be so forever!

“Your throne was established long ago; You are from all eternity.” (Psalm 93:2)

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