If I do not have love…

If I do not have love…

Aren’t we speaking about Jesus always, but why do Annas and Caiaphas evolve from us instead of Christ?

Aren’t we preaching about the Cross. But why do we crucify others on the Cross instead of carrying our own Cross?

Aren’t we sowing the seeds of Gospel? But why does Pharisaic plants grow from them?

What, how and where did we lose?

If we seek for the answer, one factor is missing.. It is ‘Love.’

Christ and Love are inseparable. He is the epitome of Love! Cross and Love are inseparable. The peak of revelation of Love is Christ’s crucifixion on the Cross! Gospel and God are inseparable. For, Gospel reveals the Love of God!

Devotion without Love is Disloyalty! Christianity without Love is Anti-Christianity!

If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love… (read the whole of 1 Corinthians 13)

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