Oh tree, yield fruits!!

Oh tree, yield fruits!!

Fruit is the symbol that shows whether the tree is either good or bad. Similarly, deeds are the symbols that exhibit if a man is righteous or sinful. A man can be a hypocrite by being sinful inside, but flaunt outwardly the deeds of righteousness. However, the Lord God dislikes it. He expects the yielding of fruits which is the consequence of the transformation inside.

The internal transition never comes from self attempts. In the parable that Jesus says in Luke 13: 6-9, the gardener who talked for the tree, “Sir, leave it alone for one more year,” did not spend the whole year rebuking it, “you bad, stupid tree, bear fruits!” nor did he threaten the tree, “I will cut you off if you do not bear fruits!” The tree would have wailed aloud if it had the power to talk.

Look what the gardener did. He did nothing to that tree, instead he dug the soil around the tree and fertilized it. This is what a wise gardener would do.

The hearts of the believers, the soil should be fertilized and nourished with the best fertilizer, the Word of God. Then it will bear fruits by itself!

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