One case, one accused, two courts

One case, one accused, two courts

A case is proceeded in two different courts. One is that the lower jurisdiction which is inside us, will only punishes the accused. Here, there are only two people, one is the accused and the other is the judge. We are the accused here, and the judge is our conscience or self-righteousness. When we are made aware of our sins by the law (Romans 3:20), the judge inflicts brutal punishments according to his knowledge.

The pathetic condition here is, there is no advocate to intercede to the judge for the accused.

The Supreme Jurisdiction is in the Heaven. We are the accused there also, the God is the judge. But, there is an advocate for us who intercedes for us with the atoning blood (1 John 2:1). He is the Lord, our Savior, Jesus Christ. We have got eternal redemption because of his wonderful intercession.

We have the verdicts of both of these courts. What do we do now? We have to accept the verdict of the Supreme Jurisdiction, tear away the verdict of the Lower Jurisdiction, lock it forever and throw away its key into the depth of the ocean.

If you enquire me, “But if we were more discerning with regard to ourselves, we would not come under such judgment” (1 Corin 11:31), yes, we have to discern ourselves, but with the verdict of the Supreme Jurisdiction, not with the one of the Lower Jurisdiction. Because, not the punishment, but forgiveness corrects a man!

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