Servants of God versus believers of God

Servants of God versus believers of God

There are certain assessments in today’s Christianity, especially in India… telling how a Pastor should be. Their life style is supposed to be like this, their attire should be in this manner, their appearance should be like this, and so much more apprisals. 

It is true that the one standing on the altar is supposed to be an exemplary for the believers. Paul advises Timothy, “but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity,” in 1 Tim 4:12. However, Paul only mentions here about the nature, neither about the external appearance nor about their life style. Another one to be noted here is, the word ‘example’ used here, means that the believers should follow their Pastor’s exemplar. 

But the problem here is, a believer could be the way he wants to be, he can dress up as he wish, he can have his wilful lifestyle. However, there is a common criterion set for a Pastor, compelling, he is ought to be like this. 

Dear readers, God never segregated us as believers and servants. He has signified all of us as his ‘Disciples’ Some of the disciples are given certain works of service (Ephe 4:12), nonetheless we all come only under this category called disciples. All of us are bound by one spirit, one Bible and one commandment. Therefore, if you set a criterion to assess a servant of God, then it applies for you, too. ‘For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.’ (Matt 7:2) 

Honestly, this kind of mentality in Christianity arose only because of the Pastors. As the saying goes, “for every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction,” it is the consequence of some pretentious pastors who act like they have come from Heaven just to distinguish themselves from the other believers! How can you butter your bread on both sides? Is it fair to expect to be distinct and uncriticizable simultaneously? If you pretend to be a Super-Spiritual person, when believers see your true human nature, it is normal for them to criticize and avoid you. 

Be it a believer, or a pastor who stands on the altar, we are journeying towards becoming as wholesome as Christ, still struggling with the flesh, and failing at times. Then we reconcile with God again, and run towards the goal with the help of the Holy Ghost. We are all equal. We are all the same. Nobody is ‘special’ here. 

Pastors are supposed to be open books. Stop your hypocritical acts of pretending like an Angel, teach your believers honestly about the times when the Holy Spirit of God helped you to overcome your mistakes and intervened in changing you. You have to open up to your believers, how Jehovah Hoseenu is transforming you. Only this will be beneficial for the spiritual growth of believers. 

It is incorrect to think, ‘if I try to be honest like this, believers will not respect me, will not listen to me.’ Your calling and the anointing over you will get you the respect and worth you deserve. 

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