What spirit do we possess?

What spirit do we possess?

When the disciples of Christ asked Jesus, if they should call fire down from Heavens to destroy the people who were against them, Jesus rebuked them, “ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.” (Luke 9:55)

The Christians who know to distinguish the wrath of God as Old Testament and the grace of God as New Testament, perceive the Israel – Palestine conflict as Old Testamentary. This is disappointing. Many Christians confuse today’s Palestinian people with ancient Philistines of Old Testament.

The Philistines were totally destroyed in the 6th century BCE itself. People living in Palestine of today are heirs of Arabs. Greeks called these people as Palestinians as they resided over Gaza and Ashkelon, where Philistines had lived. Palestine is termed from Philistia. However, Old Testamentary Philistine has nothing to do with today’s Palestinians. They are also ordinary people like us. They also ought to be loved.

Israelis and Palestinians, both have the right over the land politically. As there are evidences that they both have lived in that place for many decades. After 1948, following the announcement of the independence of the state of Israel, just look at the events that had taken place and how they treated Palestinians to possess a land. Perceive these events in the view of Christ and ask your conscience if it is right. This does not mean I am supporting Hamas. It is unjust to hold any weapon, it is unjust to kill innocent people.

It is natural for us to love Jews, as we read the Bible everyday. It is not incorrect to do so. If Hamas is a terroristic, then what Israel does is “state terrorism”. Both are wrong. Not as a disciple of Christ, I cannot agree to the deeds of Isreal, rather as a common man with conscience.

Moreover, I cannot relate today’s Jews with the Jews of the Bible. There are many reasons for that. If I write those, people will call me an anti-semite. To lend money for interest is a sin, worse than prostituting. We know that the Bible prohibits it strongly.

But, Rothschild, head of the group of okers, calls himself a Jew. His family had laid the foundation of banks that loot the people. Which means, his family had played a major role in building today’s modern world’s Babylonian System.

His family had also played an important role in the formation of today’s Israel. Mossad has been protecting this family till this day. Doing bodyguards work for them. This Rothschild family had constructed the Parliament and Supreme Court of Israel. You research about them for yourselves and check whether they relate in anyway to the Holy God of the Bible.

Never let the politicians use your devotion to the Lord as their weapon. We are called to be disciples of Christ, not Zionists.

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