Fearless Man Of God!

Fearless Man Of God!

Behind the death of a man of God as a martyr, there is timidity of a lot of cowards.

The first coward is timorsome Satan, he is afraid not only of Men of God, but even at their seeds. The slaughter of Jewish kids in Egypt, slaughter of Jewish babies during the birth of Jesus, history extends till the slaughter of Graham Staines’ kids. Satan knows that one human connected with God can tremor his authority. Let that fear be in him!

Next comes timorsome like Herod who scepters from the alms of the Beast. The same fear of losing the authority as their master! They are empty handed as they do not possess a weapon equal to the truth spoken by the Man of God. They understand or not, but they know it is the resonance of the sound of the divine that opposes their authority. The fear of losing his throne if this truth spreads, which is contradictory to the religious authority that gave him rule! They only know to slay! The peak of timidity!

Then comes the kindlers, who slay the opponent, obeying their masters. They are rabid dogs. They will ravish innocent Naboths obeying gestures of Jezebels. They earn their living through killing the innocents. They are afraid of losing their breadwinning job! They are not courageous enough to live their life honestly. Filthy chore!

Man of God is fearless!
He is not worried about his income, God nourishes!
He is not afraid of losses, God redeems!
He is not terrified of scathes, God heals!
He is not frightened about death, God revives!
Nothing and nobody can horrify him, and seize him!
Fear belongs to the world! And He does not belong to the world!

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