The one who reigns over the stars

The one who reigns over the stars

“Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades? Can you loosen Orion’s belt?” (Job 38:31)

Biblical scholars say that devotee Job must have lived during the time period between 2350 BCE to 1750 BCE. Which is, the era between the great flood and Moses. God talks to Job about a constellation called Pleiades. It is said that, during the ancient times, this constellation appeared clearly in the sky and that, the ancient American tribal people used to check their vision by trying to count the 12 major stars of the constellation.

Astronomers say that there are hundreds of stars in this Pleiades constellation. A few among them are larger than our sun. They are 400 Lightyear away from the earth. Why does God talk to Job about this particular constellation? The reason fascinates us.

Pleiades is quite different from the other constellations. Usually, the stars in a cluster, revolve in their own orbits at various speed.

But Pleiades belongs to open cluster type. All the stars in this Pleiades constellation revolve in the same orbit at a same speed, as though being manipulated by a supernatural force. In common, there are certain run away stars in a constellation which astray away.

But Astronomers say that the stars in this particular constellation have been bound together for more than 100 million years. It appears that this ligation will continue to exist for another 250 million years.

See, how powerful the Lord’s words are, he who calls the stars by their names. Most of the times we worry about our circumstances and troubles, we assume them to be greater than our Almighty God.

This article is to signify that the Word of God is so powerful to rule over thousands of suns.

“For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm.” (Psalm 33:9)

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