Have I got a doll or a baby?

Have I got a doll or a baby?

There are many pastors and children of God who brag about the revelations they got. Revelations can also come from flesh and blood. The revelation given only by the Heavenly Father has life!

Such a revelation was envisioned by Peter. The most superior revelation of the world is this. Only this!

Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16)

You may think, “is this a huge deal? I have known this since my childhood, brother.”

If this knowledge is given by the religion, Christianity, then it is another book shelved in your almirah. But if the Heavenly Father disclosed this truth to you, then it is a perennial stream of Life. This one revelation can change your spiritual life from a desert to an orchard.

To a millions of Christians across the world, it is just a knowledge. But to men of God like Apostle Paul, Sadhu Sundar Singh and William Carey, it is a revelation. You might know the difference now!

Knowing the truth that “Jesus is the Son of the Living God,” does not bother the Satan. Because it just remains in the brain. He does not bother even if you share this truth through ministry. For, it just transfers from one brain to the other.

But if we are disclosed this truth as a revelation, or if we share this revelation, Satan will try to stop it at any cost. Because, it has life in it. It is able to give life to dry bones! If we have faith in this revelation, we are the ones who defeat the system of this world! This revelation is a wildfire that could consume any green trees around it! Remember the tumults and riots that uproared wherever Paul went. You can read the anxious outcry of Satan through the people in Acts 19:26, when he learnt that the whole of Asia has gone out of his hands.

If the truth, “Jesus is the Son of the Living God” is given as a knowledge to you, it is a doll that resembles a baby. You can keep it in your showcase. You may also dust it off when it is dirty. If you think it to be holy, you can pass it on to the next generation. You can also take pride in it.

If you are given the truth, “Jesus is the son of the Living God,” as a Revelation, it is an existing baby. It cries when it is hungry and thirsty. It relishes the food, smiles, laughs, crawls, walks, runs, sings, talks. It will become a grownup in a while. Where do these changes happen? Inside you! You will become as wholesome as Christ and stand before the Father one day!

This revelation is the foundation of the church!

Who are given this revelation? It is given to the ones who are thirsty (John 7:37), to the violent (Matt 11:12), to the ones who search for the knowledge of God as hidden treasure, silver and gold (Pro 2:4), to the ones who knock, ask and seek athirst for redemption (Matt 7:7,8).

Look at the life of Sadhu Sundar Singh, he began knocking to God to reveal himself to him, because of the blazing inquisitiveness, he started banging the door with his head. The headstrong cry, “God! Disclose yourself to me, or I will die!” shook the heart of the Lord God. The Son divulged himself as the Crucified Christ to him. India got a great Apostle!

When the Christians, immersed in this knowledge, got this revelation, their life changed. They began eying the world differently. They confessed that the Christ who came in human form is the Son of God. They decided not to boast about anything, but the Crucified Christ. ‘Let the Jews ask for signs, let the Greek seek wisdom, while we preach only about the Crucified Christ,’ said they decisively. These are the people that changed the history!

The Gospels, Prophecies, preaching that do not center the point that ‘the Son of God, Christ took the form of flesh,’ is lifeless and barren!

Beloved readers! We have listened to thousands of sermons, read hundreds of spiritual books. Yet, why is our spiritual life lifeless and depthless??

We do not want another sermon but a Living Revelation! That can redeem our lives! Even a little revelation can change the history. When the verse in Romans 1:17, “the righteous will live by faith,” written hundreds of years ago, was disclosed to Martin Luther as a revelation in the 16th century, didn’t it cause a huge Renaissance?

When a man with thirsty mind listens to a rather boring sermon, a revelation may emerge out of it before him. Our desire matters!

“For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground.” (Isaiah 44:3)

  1. Your blog renews my mind as I read it every morning with my cup of tea!

    • Thank you Jane Moses

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