Habit of righteous

Habit of righteous

The book of Genesis says that Noah and his family resided in the ark for around a year. Noah entered the ark when he was aged 600 and came out of the ark when he was 601 years old (Gen 8:13).

The whole earth became anew within that one year. Now, there are only 8 members on the earth (1 Peter 3:20). How their mentality would be after been locked in the ark for a year! How much they would have longed to inhale the fresh air of independence! It is quite surprising that Noah’s three married sons did not have children until then. The gracious God would have wanted to omit the hardships of parents and children inside the ark and blessed them with offsprings after the flood.

What they would have done after coming out of the ark? What we would have done if it were us? We would have run joyously all around until our knees hurt! Or we would have discussed about the places for shelter, farming and domestic rearing! How to partite the land among Shem, Ham and Japheth! How to divide the animals among us! We would have conversed about this with our family and even fought about this.

But when I read what Noah did, I felt goosebumpy.. What he did at first after coming out of the ark..

Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it. (Gen 8:20)

This will be the habit and mindset of the righteous who belives with God! In case if Noah and his family did not do this but what I mentioned above, Noah and us, would have lost all these below mentioned blessings..

  • The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma of Noah’s offerings. (verse 21)
  • He became merciful towards the earth. (verse 21)
  • He promised us that there will not be another great flood. (Verse 21)
  • He promised us climates to support farming. (Verse 22)
  • He blessed Noah, his family and his descendants, us. (Gen 9:1)
  • He established a Covenant with humans. (Gen 9:10-17)

Every blessing begins when we honor God before anything. Yes, he is idoneous for the Honor and the Glory!!

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