Which is the right doctrine?

Which is the right doctrine?

The one that transforms our nature like that of Christ is the right doctrine. When I listen to that doctrine, I understand that despite being saved from the Hellfire, I am called to accomplish something in this world. If the heaven is the only notion, the day I was saved could have been the day of my death. Why does God keep me alive on this earth, even after I was saved? Christ must be formed in me, and I should take part in the essence and nature of Christ. A healthy doctrine teaches this and transforms us into an Ecclesia apart from being a Christian.

A good and proper doctrine helps me love (in Christ) my kinsman, as I love myself. People who speak heavenly tongues and brag about their fellowship dare not love another church besides theirs. They are trapped in such an illusion. What is this kind of doctrine? Who do they worship? ‘Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen’ (1 John 4:20)

A right, prudent doctrine guides me to discover who I am in Christ and also teaches me to be humble as well. If I trifle the ones who do not know as much as I do, then it makes me airy and arrogant.

The doctrine that guides you to contend with Satan, and builds me stronger in prayer, fasting and meditate the word of God, besides my self-development is the right one. What will help me more to hold tight my Lord, other than prayer? Satan is not afraid of our brains, but our prayers.

The doctrine that makes me fight against flesh is the right one. When I listen to it, I shall crucify the ‘self’ on the cross, carry my cross and follow Christ. And I shall be decisive not to live only for myself.

The one that urges us to live not just for ourselves but for others and burdens us to kowtow to God in prayer for others is the right doctrine.

A good and proper doctrine helps one to construct his family stronger in Christ. We only want preachers who dare to ask, “if you do not know how to guide your own family, how will you guide the whole church? “

The doctrine that directs me towards the poor, the needy and the oppressed is the right one. Because, my Lord is such a merciful and gracious God. His heart would melt as snow in the sun, when he sees such people. The church that saves itself from the hypocrisy of the world and feeds the poor and the needy is the true church. Christ resides in it. Because, these two qualities makes the church holy, says James 1:27.

The one that prepares me for the coming of Christ, makes me rejoice everyday about the kingdom of heaven, embraces me in my hardships, prepares me for the day, when I can wash the precious feet of my Lord, envision him and adore him along with the angels and other spiritual leaders like Moses, David, Hosea, Paul, Peter, Steven, William Carey, Ziegenbalg, Ringeltaube, Hudson Taylor and many others with gratitude towards them, is the right doctrine.

The one that transforms me into a Berea Christian is a good doctrine. Because, in the last days, false prophecy would rise as Tsunamis and consume a whole lot of people. Many will deceive many. If I listen to a healthy doctrine, I can identify if the one preaches is a lamb or wolf in lambskin.

The one that teaches me how to distinguish between Law and Grace, and guides me to walk in the path of the New Covenant is the right doctrine. A fake doctrine teaches the Grace of God and guides us towards the riches of the world.

Lastly, the one that pursues me to complete the commandments of God, burdens me for the wrecking souls and agonizes me to save a soul is the right doctrine.

May God guide you and I in such a beautiful fellowship. Amen!

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