Disciple versus Bigot

Disciple versus Bigot

Even if thousands of people assembled, a bigotic gathering is not a Church. A fellowship of few disciples is the Church.

The preaching of a sectarian is a leaven, which only circles around the material benefits. The preaching of a disciple is a fruit of life, which only circles around the Christ.

A sectarian gets on well with the world and enjoys the glory of it. Meanwhile, a disciple is misunderstood by others and faces hardships.

Precisely, between two sectarian, there will be no fellowship and love. But even among two hundred disciples, there is neither jealousy nor hypocrisy.

A sectarian controls everyone and guides them. A disciple becomes a slave and works for others.

A sectarian preaches everyone else but there will be no testimony inside his family. A disciple works on his family first, to be testimonial.

A sectarian morale-boosts the divisions of churches founded by man. A disciple only advocates for the Ecclesia of Christ.

A Bigot pushes past the poor and the oppressed. A disciple considers helping the poor and the needy as a ministry of God.

A Bigot gives expecting blessings. A disciple bethinks giving as a blessing.

A Bigot wants God to incline to his lust. While, a disciple bends himself according to the will of God.

A Bigot learns from humans. We can identify the division of his Church when we listen to his preaching. But a disciple learns from the Holy Spirit, whatever he speaks will be new to us.

A Bigot has dual faces and lives twofold in private and in public. While, a disciple always stands before God like Elijah.

A Bigot loves sin and hates sinners. But a disciple hates sin and loves sinners.

A sectarian divinifies the activities and participation. A disciple considers his every day life as divinity.

A Bigot’s devotion entangles him with pride. A disciple’s prudence crowns him with modesty.

A sectarian’s prayers are rituals. A disciple’s prayers are living sacrifices.

A Bigot dares to slaughter for his sect. A disciple dares to die for his brethren.

A bigot’s ministry is conversion of religion. But a disciple who entered the narrow gate serves to bring forth the disciple in others.

A Bigot wears the cross. A disciple carries the cross.

A sectarian is twice the son of Hell. But a disciple owns twice the blessings.

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