What do you see, son of man?

What do you see, son of man?

The whole cosmos is full of answers, whilst our heart has countless questions. There is a curtain between the two in order to prevent us from finding the answers for the questions that we have in our minds. This curtain...
Grinding the same batter…     

Grinding the same batter…     

There is an expression in South India that goes like this, “grinding the same batter over and over again,” which actually means “Rinse and Repeat.” That is, a continual repetition of something. In the scriptures, the Lord Jesus has spoken...
To God for the people… 

To God for the people… 

Many years ago I wrote an article about believers who murmur against God. I later comprehended how immature I was when I wrote that article. Some years after writing that article there would be none who would have murmured against...
The seed matters

The seed matters

Some years ago I was asked to visit one of my relatives who was admitted in the hospital. As he was a distant relative, we never met each other before. I was going to meet him for the first time....